(Note: opinions expressed by our contributors may not always those of CUSJ)

The Canadian Unitarians for Social JusticeCUSJ
form a national Unitarian organization in Canada specifically focused on Social Justice. You can find more info in the About menu item: cusj.org/about
Your input is welcome and spread the word. Please look around on our website. Ideas and comments are welcome, email webmaster@cusj.org 

Next Online meeting… keep an eye on: https://cusj.org/webinars/

Missed any Interactive Meetings (webinars)?
Check our channel on YouTube: cusjmedia.

The Latest YouTubes below: (set YouTube at the Highest quality with the settings gear wheel)

Extensive Report from Ahti at COP27 and COP15 https://cusj.org/reports

See our latest JUSTnews Express newsletter, sent to cusj members and friends.
Want to receive the JUSTnews Express? email president@cusj.org