Darlington new nuclear power plant project: CUSJ weighs in

Margaret Rao and Frances Deverell present to Darlington Review Panel

On March 31st, 2011, Margaret Rao and Frances Deverell attended the Darlington Review panel and presented our brief.  This brief came out of extensive discussions on the listserve, among individuals, and at the board level.  We did not have 100% consensus on the position to take, but the majority of the board wanted to take a stand.  At CUSJ we do not require 100% consensus, but we do honour the feelings of the minority.  For this reason, we included the alternative view in our brief, and are presenting sources from both sides of the argument.  We did not have Mark Lynus’ article in our hands when we wrote the brief and took our position?  Is it a game changer?  Or do the questions of nuclear waste and the damage from mining still hold sway?

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