CUSJ joined with Elizabeth Fry Society and John Howard Society to ask Harper and the Minister of Justice to make changes to the Omnibus crime bill. We would like to emphasize a harm-reduction approach to drug crimes, and to ensure measures are included that support crime prevention as well as punishment.
Calgary Raging Grannies on C-10
Lobbyists behind Crime Bill want to privatize prisons: Justice Policy Institute (USA) Report
Canadian Bar Association Submission on Bill C-10
Sept 19 Elizabeth Fry Society and John Howard Society join forces against omnibus bill. Press Advisory-Omnibus-Sept2011-3.
Professor Irvin Waller calls for Crime Reduction Board to be added to bill – (Globe and Mail, Oct. 24, 2011) Irvin Waller, member of the First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa, is a professor at the University of Ottawa, and president of the International Organization for Victim Assistance. He is author of Rights for Victims of Crime: Rebalancing Justice and Less Law, More Order: The Truth about Reducing Crime.
Jeffrey Simpson reports No Crime Epidemic in Canada – Globe and Mail, Nov. 4, 2011