Bill C-10 Senate Letter Writing Campaign

CUSJ has just posted a set of talking points and sample letters to help you in your letter writing campaign.  We have also posted the proposed Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Policy for discussion at the CUC annual meeting.  We hope we have provided all the information congregations will need to discuss these issues and form their own opinions.

We encourage all individuals to write their senators on this important issue.  It is time the Senate acted truly as the house of sober second thought.  We’d like to see the bill defeated as an omnibus bill so it can be more closely examined in detail.  If this is not possible important amendments are needed to include priority and dollars for crime prevention to make our communities truly safer.

CUSJ Action – Senate Letter Campaign – January-March 2012

CUSJ’s Open Letter to Senate and Parliamentarians 2012 02 26

How to campaign agains Bill C-10:

  1. Write your senator at: The Senate of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A 0A4
  2. Download and print these samples for your Sunday morning letter-writing campaign:
  1. Sign on to the Coalition Statement Against Bill C-10.
  2. Write your own letter to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Justice. Let your MP know your views.

Here are some of the letters CUSJ has written to the Federal Government over the past two years on better solutions for criminal justice. CUSJ: Omnibus Crime Bill Letter

Criminal Justice Page

1 thought on “Bill C-10 Senate Letter Writing Campaign”

  1. Our organization located in Ottawa would like to write to the Senate in regards to the crime bill, who should we address the letter to?

    Please keep me posted,


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