See the presentation on YOUTUBE:
Let’s Connect with:
The UU Ottawa Ajashki Garden Project
by Aboriginal leader, Kayoki Whiteduck, the Ajashki Gardener
In the Series: “Let’s Connect UU Social Justice” our next Speaker is Kayoki Whiteduck, the Ajashki Gardener, who will explain the relationship with UUs in Ottawa. Check out the programme
This was held on: Saturday, February 24, 2024 with Zoom Online
Photo right: Project partners standing on the proposed grounds for new affordable housing on the campus of First Unitarian Congregation of Ottawa. They are converting the parking lot into affordable housing for the indigenous community.
For a congregation seeking a Green Sanctuary Accreditation, Ajashki fulfills the accreditation requirements for working with traditionally marginalized communities in our area. It is one of many actions being taken by the FirstU community to recognize our responsibility for environmental and climate justice. Ajashki helps us to respond in practical, functional and caring ways, greening the campus, learning to appreciate what is already there, promoting understanding across cultures and helping to prepare youth to face personal and community challenges.
Ajashki invites everyone to come walk in the garden and delight in the bounty that nature provides.