Our Perspective
The legacy of colonialism affects every aspect of the lives of Indigenous people in Canada. In some areas treaties were signed but often ignored. The Indian Act of 1876 put in place a system of registering “Indians” and bands and setting up a system of reserves. At very young ages, children were taken from their families and communities and placed in residential schools, with the aim to “kill the Indian in the child.” They were forbidden to speak their language, suffered neglect, abuse and deprivation and received substandard education. The result was a traumatized people, disconnected from their families, communities and culture.
Indigenous peoples have a long history of resisting colonization. Struggles over land, the environment, residential schools, missing and murdered women, police violence, and conditions on reserves are all increasing. Indigenous peoples have never stopped fighting for justice. It is movements from below, actions of ordinary people, like us, that can shift the dialogue and trajectory of society. As Unitarians concerned with social justice, we choose to stand in solidarity with Indigenous peoples in their long-fought struggles for justice.
Our Commitments
- Acting in solidarity means listening to Indigenous voices, respecting Indigenous activists while doing our own personal learning and growing around white supremacy.
- Include articles about Indigenous struggles on our website, JUSTnews and other communications.
- Support Indigenous struggles.