CUSJ Peace Partners


The quest for world peace is central to CUSJ’s mission and the UU sixth principle of the goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all. We look upon these like-minded organizations as partners.

CANADIAN VOICE OF WOMEN FOR PEACE, is a feminist group established in 1960 to ban nuclear weapons. Over the years, VOW has undertaken many initiatives in the pursuit of peace and the promotion of non-violent means of conflict resolution and the abolition of war. 

SCIENCE FOR PEACE is a Canadian organization of natural and social scientists, students in the humanities and liberal arts and people from the wider community. The mission of Science for Peace is to understand and act against the forces that make for militarism, environmental destruction, and social injustice. Science for Peace members focus on the elimination of nuclear weapons, prevention of nuclear war, the weaponization of space, and conversion of the military economy to a peaceful and sustainable world.

PROJECT SAVE THE WORLD, a campaign of Peace Magazine, was founded by former President of Science for Peace, Metta Spencer. There are six categories under their Platform for Survival: War and weapons, Global warming, Famine, Pandemics, Radioactive contamination, and Cyber risks.

The RIDEAU INSTITUTE based in Ottawa, is a non-profit research and advocacy group, focussed on foreign and defence policy issues. President Peggy Mason is the former Canadian Ambassador for Disarmament to the UN. The Rideau Institute sponsors

The CANADIAN FOREIGN POLICY INSTITUTE (CFPI), launched in 2020, is a non partisan organization informing Canadians about the federal government’s diplomatic, aid, intelligence and military policies abroad, as well as corporate Canada’s international activities. The CFPI calls for a formal review of Canadian foreign policy to reflect the desire of Canadians to be a force for peace and human rights in the world.

The CAMPAIGN TO STOP KILLER ROBOTS is a coalition of more than 160 non-governmental organisations across 65 countries working to pre-emptively ban the world’s latest weapons of mass destruction: fully autonomous weapons systems. The aim is a UN treaty to ban Lethal Autonomous Weapons Systems & retain human control over the use of force. 

The CANADIAN BDS COALITION is comprised of groups across Canada which support the Palestinian-led call for boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on the State of Israel until it meets its obligations under international law. The aims of the Canadian BDS Coalition are to promote and support BDS activities in Canada and defend the right of Canadians to freedom of expression in support of BDS.

UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS FOR JUSTICE IN THE MIDDLE EAST (UUJME), founded in 1971, works for a peaceful and just resolution of the Palestine-Israel conflict, affirming the equality, dignity, freedom and security of all peoples involved.

The INTERNATIONAL PEACE BUREAU (IPB), founded in 1891, is the oldest global peace network, with more than 300 organizations in over 70 countries. The IPB is dedicated to the vision of a world without war. Their main program centres on disarmament for sustainable development. A part of the IPB, the IPB Youth Network, is a network of young people around the world committed to building a sustainable, just and peaceful world.

The INTERNATIONAL CIVIL LIBERTIES MONITORING GROUP (ICLMG), is a national coalition of Canadian civil society organizations established in order to protect and promote human rights and civil liberties in the context of the “war on terror.” The ICLMG defends rights granted in Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, federal and provincial laws, and international human rights agreements.

WORLD BEYOND WAR is an anti-war organization with chapters and affiliates in over two dozen countries. It is a global nonviolent movement to end war and establish a just and sustainable peace. This global grassroots coalition counters CANSEC, North America’s largest annual weapons trade fair in Ottawa. They have a Canadian organizer who is in the process of creating a new Canada-wide Peace Network.


Approved at January 20, 2021 Board Meeting