Supporting A National Housing Policy
If you consulted this page in the past, you would know that CUSJ, along with thousands of Canadians in over 400 organizations advocated for housing as a Human Right, through actions such as national housing day rallys in the month of November, aimed at helping the most vulnerable in our society, such as Aboriginals, women, people with disabilities, youth, racialized community members, seniors, youth, and newcomers. Over 200,000 are homeless and another million are inadequately housed.
Our efforts bore fruit!
In September 2016, Canada’s federal government initiated national consultations on the development of a “national housing strategy.” The government released a report on November 22 2016, and has promised to come up with a housing strategy in 2017.
Bill C-400 campaign (2012-2014)
The Bill C-400 campaign saw CUSJ partnering with Dignity for All, Citizens For Public Justice, The Wellesley Institute, Canada Without Poverty, and the Canadian Unitarian Council to get Bill C-400 passed.
Unitarians Across Canada wrote letters in support of Bill C-400. Congregations were invited to endorse the campaign. provided a backgrounder for Letters or MP Visits. There were also Petitions submitted to MPs, and in 2012, CUSJ sent a Letter to Prime Minister Harper, urging him to Support Bill C-400 for a National Housing Policy.
In January 2014, CUSJ issued a Press Release on the 20th Anniversary of Federal Housing Cuts. Programs like Coop Housing and the programs that built Unitarian House were cut. Over 100,000 homes not built because of those cuts. For a homelessness research report, click here.
In 2013, CUSJ sent a letter calling on Provincial Housing Ministers and Federal Minister Diane Finley to make funding affordable housing a priority at Provincial Ministers’ meeting.
The Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development presented a comprehensive report to the 40th parliament in November 2010 that served as a roadmap for the development of a National Housing Policy.