What does each province have to do to move toward climate solutions?

This report from the National Observer shows us how much green energy each province produces and which ones are most dependent on carbon and have few renewable resources developed.  It also shows how far we have to go in our personal lifestyles and carbon consumption.  We are now at the stage where we are ready … Read more

ClimateFast 2013

CUSJ has renewed its involvement with Climatefast for 2013. Take the pledge and fast between September 21st and October 2nd 2013 on Parliament Hill or wherever they are.  We fast to focus our energy and the energy of others toward a healthier planet and a healthier relationship with our only home.  Take 12 days to practice … Read more

Tar Sands Updates

Westcoast Chapter of CUSJ presents a brief to the National Energy Board making a business case against the Enbridge Pipeline Proposal. Globe and Mail Article on Eagle Spirit Energy Holdings.  A Group of First Nations people envision an energy corridor controlled by First Nations to bring oil from the tar sands to the West Coast. … Read more

CUSJ supports the occupy movement

BRAVO THE OCCUPY MOVEMENT! You are acting for many Canadians from all walks of life who share your frustrations. Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice support your action to protest growing income inequality and corporate greed. You are exposing the underlying unfairness of an economic system that has left a tiny elite with a disproportionate amount of wealth … Read more

CUSJ joins Sept 26 2011 action on Tar Sands

e-mail To the Ottawa Action Network Organizing the September 26th Rally against the Tar Sands September 21, 2011 Dear organizers of the Ottawa Action on the Tar Sands. At its September 16th board meeting, Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice voted to support this action against the tar stands and that it agrees with the following … Read more

CUSJ Calls for Environmental Review – Quarry

CUSJ Calls for a Complete Environmental Review from both the Provincial and Federal Governments on the Highland Quarry Project in Dufferin County. CUSJ wrote letters in August 2011 to both the Federal and Provincial Governments asking them to hold full environmental assessments in their areas of jurisdiction: CUSJ Request for a Provincial Review CUSJ Request for a … Read more

CUSJ Signs on to Darlington Declaration

July 31st, 2011 After an extensive discussion on the board and the publication of a special discussion paper on Nuclear Power, CUSJ has decided to support the Greenpeace Darlington Declaration calling for renewable energy, not nuclear, to be the centre of Ontario’s future energy policy. CUSJ Nuclear Page

Invitation to Toronto-AGM

The CUSJ Annual General Meeting (AGM) is in Toronto – May 20, 2011 We have a dynamic program planned with great speakers.  Mike Nickerson, Mairy Beam and Judy Velland will help us explore what we can do to make the future we all want — living sustainably with the planet — real.  For the full … Read more