What you can do–right NOW–to stop the madness of continued oil sands expansion

Are you feeling frustrated with the fact that the Kinder Morgan trans-mountain pipeline project, and other pipelines, seem to be unstoppable? The Coast Protectors held a webinar this week to discuss actions that are being taken. Inspired by that webinar, here are some actions that all of us can take, right now, to show solidary with … Read more

Tar Sands Updates

Westcoast Chapter of CUSJ presents a brief to the National Energy Board making a business case against the Enbridge Pipeline Proposal. Globe and Mail Article on Eagle Spirit Energy Holdings.  A Group of First Nations people envision an energy corridor controlled by First Nations to bring oil from the tar sands to the West Coast. … Read more

September 26th, 2011 Pipeline Protest on Parliament Hill

On September 26, hundreds of people from across Canada risked arrest in Ottawa to send a message to Prime Minister Harper that we must turn away from the tar sands, respect treaty and Indigenous rights, and start building the green energy future all our communities deserve. CUSJ President Rev. Frances Deverell and Board Member Ahti Tolvanen participated … Read more

CUSJ joins Sept 26 2011 action on Tar Sands

e-mail To the Ottawa Action Network Organizing the September 26th Rally against the Tar Sands September 21, 2011 Dear organizers of the Ottawa Action on the Tar Sands. At its September 16th board meeting, Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice voted to support this action against the tar stands and that it agrees with the following … Read more