
2024-04-27  Israel/Palestine/Gaza/Hamas – What Next?

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Let’s Connect with: 

Israel/Palestine/Gaza/Hamas – What Next?

by Peter Larson

In the Series: “Let’s Connect UU Social Justice” our next Speaker is Peter Larson

When: Saturday, April 27, 2024 with Zoom Online
What time: 10:00am Pacific, 1:00pm Eastern, 2:00pm Atlantic, 20:00 Finland

Peter Larson is the Chair of the Ottawa Forum on Israel/Palestine (OFIP) a Canadian human rights organization focussing on the Middle East.
For the last 10 years, he has taken a particular interest in human rights issues in the Middle East, visiting Israel, Iran, Jordan, Egypt and the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. He has also led many trips to Israel/Palestine for Canadians interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the complex Israel/Palestine issue. His presentations to many organizations are appreciated for being fact based and balanced.

He is also the principal author of a weekly series of articles on the Middle East to be found at https://canadatalksisraelpalestine.ca

In 2012, Peter Larson was awarded The Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal by the Governor General of Canada in recognition of his educational work on Canada Arab relations. More about his professional career at https://canadatalksisraelpalestine.ca/about/

Social Justice committees and Activists: Bring us news from your local activities. Exchange of ideas is important and there many ways we can be of help to each other and be inspired. Secure a place in on the agenda, email: Jim Sannes president@cusj.org