AGM 2023 Agenda

Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice 

Annual General Meeting

Saturday, May 13, 2023 via Zoom

9.45am Pacific, 10.45am Mountain, 11.45am Central, 12.45pm Eastern, 1.45pm Atlantic

Keynote Address: The Ugly Canadian: Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy


Note: times below refer to EDT

12.45 EDT Waiting room opens

1.00 pm Welcome and Introduction of special guest speaker Yves Engler, a leading critic of Canadian foreign policy

1.05 pm Keynote Address: “The Ugly Canadian: Justin Trudeau’s foreign policy”

1.30 pm Questions and discussion


2.00 pm Business Meeting

      1. Call to order, welcome and territorial acknowledgement
      2. Chalice Lighting
      3. Confirmation of quorum
      4. Approval of the agenda
      5. Approval of the May 28, 2022 minutes
      6. President’s Report (Jim Sannes)
      7. Membership Report (Joy Silver)
      8. Communications Report (Ellen Papenburg)
      9. Motion to receive the above Reports
      10. Treasurer’s Report (Gary Campbell)
      11. Nomination Committee Report
      12. Election of the Executive and Directors at Large
      13. Extinguishing the Chalice
      14. Adjournment