Our Perspective
Unitarians affirm and promote the right of conscience and the use of the democratic process in our congregations and in society at large. Democracy is fundamentally about citizens controlling the decisions that collectively affect them. Power is not shared equitably anywhere in the world. As economic inequality increases it inevitably leads to social and political inequality and justice systems biased for the rich and against marginalized people. This includes Indigenous people, people of colour, poor people, differently abled people and women. Many countries practice or allow egregious human rights violations and do not allow free and fair elections. Our electoral system continues to provide absolute majorities to parties that win a plurality of votes and does not encourage the highest level of participation in the functioning of democracy.
Our Commitments
To use our Unitarian voice to advocate for democracy and human rights in Canada and around the world, including:
- Advocating for and supporting campaigns on behalf of those whose human rights have been violated, both directly to the bodies involved and through systemic advocacy.
- Including and highlighting the voices of those who are most vulnerable in our written publications (JUSTnews, website, etc.)
- Supporting alternative ways for including more voices in discussion of issues affecting people, policy-making and governance (such as Citizen’s Assemblies).
- Advocating for the ideals of participatory democracy in Canada and around the world
- Supporting campaigns for free and fair elections, and for electoral systems that provide greater access to voting and political representation, including proportional representation.