Dying with Dignity: WE WON! But We Can’t Rest Now.
Supreme Court of Canada in a unanimous decision overturns the law prohibiting doctor assisted death for mentally competent, terminally ill adults. CUSJ Press Release here.
The Liberals have proposed to pass a bill that gives far less access to assisted dying than the Supreme Court recommended. This Lobby Kit on Assisted Dying gives you a basic primer on the issues we are most concerned about. Please help us by making an appointment and visiting your MP. Take along several people in your congregation who are concerned to see this done right.
Can we promote Dying with Dignity’s “Shine a Light” campaign: http://www.dyingwithdignity.ca/shinealight ?
Hi Marlene, By providing a link and a comment, you have promoted the campaign, in that, each person who reads this post will be able to click your link and take action!