CUSJ has been following refugee issues, and working with the Canadian Council For Refugees for some time. See our Refugee Page under Issues for a complete record of our actions to date.

June 17th Support the National Day of Action toSTOP CUTS TO REFUGEE HEALTH CARE!Unitarians attended Rallies around the country in Victoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Saskatoon, Winnipeg, Thunder Bay, Sudbury, Windsor, London, Kitchener, Guelph, Hamilton, Toronto, Kingston, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax, and St. John’s.
Canadian Unitarian Council passes resolution on the Canadian approach to treatment of Refugees. May 2013
Refugee Issues
The Canadian Council of Refugees (CCR) has published a paper on the latest changes to Refugee legislation 2013 01 08 and their impacts. Brief to committee with concerns about bill C-43 October 2012 Backgrounder on C-31 – passed in June 2012. List of concerns.
Proposed Resolution on Refugees to the Canadian Unitarian Council AGM, May 2013
CUSJ actions on Refugees: Bill C-4 CUSJ: Letter on Former Bill C-49; CUSJ Letter to CCR ; C-4 Statement and Coalition 2011 07 31
Bill C-31 – A new Refugee Bill for Canada LGBTQ rights and Human Rights trampled on! (article from Xtra, Canada’s Gay and Lesbian News.)
Very nice post! 🙂