Friday May 20, 2011 Toronto
Making the Desired Future Real
9:00 to noon — Clarifying Our Mission and Honing Our Voice
CUSJ members and friends will engage in an interactive process to develop and strengthen who we are and what we are doing.
12:00 – 1:00 — Networking lunch — on your own with friends.
1:00 – 1:45 — AGM
2:00 -4:00 — Speakers Mike Nickerson, Mairy Beam, and Judy Velland will stimulate a discussion and sharing on all the ways forward and how people are working towards the New Economy.
5:00 CUSJ Dinner at Spring Rolls, 40 Dundas St. West
Living On Earth as If We Want To Stay
Judy Velland
Mairy Beam
I have long been concerned with lessening my environmental footprint. Currently I live in an eco-village, Whole Village.
Whole Village is an intentional community where we attempt to live in harmony with each other and with nature. We grow a significant amount of our own food and buy the rest in bulk from an organic food coop.
We share resources and perhaps, more importantly, information amongst ourselves, with our neighbours, visitors, and with school groups to increase the level of our awareness and encourage one another to a more sustainable life.
CUC Workshop — The New Economy
At the CUSJ workshop during the Canadian Unitarian Council Conference, Saturday May 21st, Session C, we want to share the latest ideas on how we can build an economy that is sustainable for the long haul.
Managing without Growth. Slower by Design, not Disaster
Economic growth is the over-arching policy objective of governments worldwide. Yet its long-term viability is increasingly questioned because of environmental impacts and impending and actual shortages of energy and material resources. Furthermore, rising incomes in rich countries bear little relation to gains in happiness and well-being. Growth has not eliminated poverty, brought full employment or protected the environment. Results from a simulation model of the Canadian economy suggest that it is possible to have full employment, eradicate poverty, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and maintain fiscal balance without economic growth. It’s time to turn our attention away from pursuing growth and towards specific objectives more directly relating to our well-being and that of the planet.
Ann Emmett, Member of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform:
* Retired secondary school teacher
* Began to be politicized while working in the Canadian High Arctic for the Department of Northern Affairs.
* Bumped into economics in the early seventies, as a branch representative in the Ontario Secondary School Teachers’ Federation (OSSTF) when the government began to shrink the education budget.
* Came to realize that education was not the only issue related to economic policies.
* Campaigned vigorously against “FREE” trade.
* Became better informed as co-chair of the Toronto chapter of the Council of Canadians
* Improved my understanding of economics as a member of the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform (Comer), thanks largely to the late Dr. John Hotson, professor of economics at Waterloo University
* Ran in two federal elections for Paul Hellyer’s Canadian Action Party.
Speaking to:
* The urgent need for monetary reform if we are to solve any of our outstanding problems, and to the threat to our national sovereignty posed by Paul Martin’s call for “global economic governance”.
* The present system is obsolete, dysfunctional and unsustainable. It DEPENDS on growth, exploitation, waste and the destruction of human and environmental capital