CUSJ’s ‘Academic’ awards for progressives in 2017

What a year 2017 was. As we contemplate the events of the past 12 months, what fun it is to pretend that we progressives could have our own Social Justice awards, a bit like the Oscars, minus the glitz and glamor, and with the understanding that the awards in this case are, virtual. Drumroll, please! … Read more

Site-C dam decision leaves Canadians feeling betrayed (again)

Two-thousand seventeen has been a roller-coaster year for progressives (and I write this as someone who dislikes amusement parks). We started the year on a high note, eager to usher in electoral reform, only to learn that  Liberal PM Justin Trudeau was backing out on his electoral reform promise. A big lie. However, we took … Read more

Why it is important to question everything

You have probably heard or read at least one comment, recently, to the effect that Trump is ‘out of touch wth reality’. Why should that surprise anyone? Because, when you think of it, what the Trump administration serves to do, is shine a bold, unflattering light on the flaws of our own society. Trump shows … Read more

Peacemakers gather to celebrate ICAN’s victory for peace

(above: Hosts Steven Staples and Anne-Marie Grondin) On December 7, 2017, politicians, peace organizations and others gathered in Center Block on Parliament Hill in Ottawa to celebrate Setsuko Thurow and ICAN, days before the latter was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. CUSJ’s Québec chapter was invited in its capacity as an International Peace Bureau member, and Board … Read more

CUSJ joins the call for an end to fossil-fuel subsidies

You are busy divesting, exploring alternative energies, signing petitions to end megaprojects, and generally doing what you can as a citizen to promote a fossil-free future. Meanwhile, did you know that, according to the International Institute for Sustainable Development, the Canadian government is subsidizing fossil fuel industries to the tune of $3.3 billion? As the … Read more

Muskrat Falls NFLD hydroelectric megaproject: Bad idea!

On December 1, 2017, CUSJ President Margaret Rao wrote to the Prime Minister, select ministers of the environment and natural resources, and a few newspapers, to request that the Muskrat Falls hydroelectric project be put on hold. There are too many issues that have not been addressed. In particular, the government has not fulfilled its … Read more

CUSJ president attends TO rally in solidarity with Palestine

On December 9 2017, CUSJ President Margaret Rao attended a Toronto rally in defense of Jerusalem’s continued status as a shared capital city and spiritual home to Jews, Palestinian Christians and Muslims alike. This is her report. A large crowd of Palestinian Canadians and Palestinian-friendly Jewish, Christian and labour leaders were on hand. It was … Read more

CUSJ supports Palestinian BNC statement regarding Jerusalem

CUSJ was shocked to learn of US President Donald Trump’s sychophantic plan to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the “capital of Israel”. We echo the sentiments of the Palestinian BDS National Committee (BNC), whose statement appears below. [This] plan to recognize occupied Jerusalem as the “capital of Israel” is an appalling attempt to give legitimacy to Israel’s … Read more