Mr Trudeau: Please speak to President Macron, without delay

CUSJ President Margaret Rao wrote once again today to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau about the Hassan Diab case. The text of this letter is pasted below. Dear Prime Minister, I am writing to you, once again, on behalf of Canadian Unitarians for Social Justice (CUSJ), a faith-based organization that promotes ‘the inherent worth and dignity … Read more

Canadian human rights defenders and citizens proclaim Hassan Diab’s innocence

Hundreds of people, including many prominent Canadian professors, lawyers and human rights defenders, have signed an open letter urging Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to help Hassan Diab, detained without trial in a Paris jail. The first paragraph reads, We address this Open Letter to you to express our deep concern about the unjust situation of … Read more

But wait… it gets worse

CUSJ’s JUSTnews editor Philip Symons has just published a new Discussion Paper from the July 10 2017 New York Times article on Climate Change, providing example after example of what awaits us. To summarize: Doomsday ‘Over the past decades, our culture has gone apocalyptic with zombie movies and Mad Max dystopias, perhaps the collective result of … Read more

Balfour gave away something that was not his to give

In his infamous tome The Prince, Machiavelli could have been presaging Lord Balfour’s Declaration when he wrote: ”You can be much more generous with what does not belong to you or your subjects, as Cyrus, Caesar and Alexander were. This is because giving away what belongs to others in no way damages your reputation; rather, it … Read more