CUSJ to Liberal gov’t: stop selling weapons to Saudi Arabia

On September 18 2018, CUSJ President Margaret Rao sent a letter to Prime Minister Trudeau and to Chrystia Freeland, asking them to terminate the arms deal with Saudi Arabia. Rao first commended the government for its principled verbal stand against Saudi Arabia’s recent arrest of women’s rights defenders. Then she went on to say, “If … Read more

Report on COP 26 by Ahti Tolvanen

Faith Tested: Deep Throat and Zombie Credits in Glasgow. by Ahti Tolvanen, CUSJ Delegate to COP26 It began on Halloween. I was pleased to be the sole representative, of Canadian Unitarians and CUSJ on site- as well as at meetings on the COP Interfaith Liason Committee.  I was also honored to accept an invitation to … Read more

Help workers not oil companies

LA VERSION FRANÇAISE SUIT Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice joined with many other NGO’s, unions, and faith organizations to call our Federal Government to direct subsidies toward helping workers through transition rather than bailing out oil companies once again. March 23, 2020 To the Right Honourable Justin Trudeau,  Cc: Federal Cabinet Ministers  COVID-19 is presenting … Read more

The feeding of Russophobia

Editor’s note: This article was provided to CUSJ by Christine Johnston, with the permission of the author, Betty Krawczyk, who was famous some years ago as the Granny willing to go to jail for her support of the environment and especially the fight for Clayoquot Sound, near Torfino, on the  Pacfic Rim, about which she … Read more

Past Actions: Links

CUSJ Letters and Briefs Democracy Letter to the Standing Committee on International Trade 2012 10 25 – Canada-China Trade Deal Letter to the Premiers 2012 10 25 asking them to intervene on the Canada-China Trade Deal Letter to L’Association Pour La Revendication Des Droits Démocratiques supporting the Supreme Court challenge to First Past the Post Letter to the Prime Minister … Read more