You are acting for many Canadians from all walks of life who share your frustrations. Canadian Unitarians For Social Justice support your action to protest growing income inequality and corporate greed. You are exposing the underlying unfairness of an economic system that has left a tiny elite with a disproportionate amount of wealth while hard-working Canadians struggle to make ends meet.
The growing inequality in our country and around the world must be reversed. The needs of people, families, communities and the natural world must have an equal place at the table. We support more open, fair and transparent democratic processes; A compassionate society with fair, progressive taxation and good programs to help people get on their feet; real changes in our economic system with a balance between government, corporate and NGO sectors.
Thank you for taking a stand! Thank you for your commitment to non-violent system change. May you walk your message in love and peace and may you be heard by all Canadians.
For a flyer with this message that you can copy and take to Occupy sites in Canada click here
For more specific issues on economic justice see our issue page here
The growing inequality in our country and around the world must be reversed. The needs of people, families, communities and the natural world must have an equal place at the table. We support more open, fair and transparent democratic processes; A compassionate society with fair, progressive taxation and good programs to help people get on their feet; real changes in our economic system with a balance between government, corporate and NGO sectors.
Thank you for taking a stand! Thank you for your commitment to non-violent system change. May you walk your message in love and peace and may you be heard by all Canadians.
For a flyer with this message that you can copy and take to Occupy sites in Canada click here
See Discussion Paper #22 – a review of The Spirit Level by Wilkinson and Pickett. It makes plain the consequences of a society that is too unequal.
See Statement of Support by the Unitarian Universalist Ministers of Canada
Occupy Anthem – We Are the Many by Mankana
CUC Statement on the Occupy Movement — Were Canadian Banks Bailed Out?
New Scientist article: A study on corporate concentration of power.
One of the pieces of the puzzle is the relationship between the military, the government, and the corporate level. The best paid jobs are often with companies with lucrative military contracts, purchased by the government for the military. The Coalition to Oppose the Arms Trade (COAT) publishes a magazine that reports on the close interconnections between military production and our economy.